If you plan to be out on the water—whether you’re heading out onto the ocean or a local lake—then you need to be prepared in case of poor weather conditions, emergencies and all other incidences which could lead to a serious consequence such as injury, being lost at sea, or even fatalities. One of the ways you can keep yourself prepared is by making sure that your phone and mobile devices on board have specific weather and safety apps designed to help give boaters better peace of mind. The following are the best weather and safety apps for boaters that are currently available today.

Weather Safety

You need to keep a close eye on the weather, no matter how many times you checked and rechecked weather information before heading out on your boat. The best weather app for boaters is Windy, which is a fast, simple to use app which integrates NOAA data for up to date and accurate weather information.

Anchor Safety

Staying ahead of anchoring updates is key for safety while you’re out on the water, so make sure you have an anchor-based app such as Anchor Watch or Boat Beacon before you head out. Some of these apps may even provide you notifications with each new nearby anchor, but make sure you check with the settings just in case you need to check manually.

Navigation Safety

There’s no guarantee that your on-board navigation equipment will always work–or work properly–so you need to have a navigation app to help you in case things get out of sorts. One of the most popular navigation apps is Navionics, but if you’d rather have something that isn’t quite as expensive, look for Vessel Finder to track other boats using AIS and Boatie to keep track of tides.

Emergency Apps

When there is an emergency at sea that requires backup assistance, you need to have at least one emergency app that can help you get in contact with emergency services. You should look at DANBoater mobile apps as well as the apps available through the Red Cross and the US Coast Guard; if you have room, it wouldn’t hurt to have two emergency related apps installed on your phone when you’re out on the water just in case the first one doesn’t end up working.

Marina Safety

You should make your marina reservations before you head out on the water, as finding yourself without a marina can cause a host of problems, especially if you’re boating during a busier season. Apps like Snag a Slip are great for making reservations in advance.

Final Thoughts

As any experienced boater knows, you can never be too prepared when you head out onto the water. In addition to traditional boater safety supplies and equipment, don’t forget to have your mobile phone and/or mobile device fully charged (with backup charge options on board, just in case you find yourself in a situation where you can’t get back to land) and stocked with apps that will improve your safety.