You’ve purchased your dream boat. What more do you need?

Turns out, it doesn’t stop there. You still need a few additional boat safety items for ensuring that every person has a happy and safe experience on your boat.

Here’s a list of a few essential items you need to stock up on before you go boating.


The clothes you require is dependent on where you’re cruising off to. However, comfort remains a top priority. We recommend wearing clothes that dry quickly and are breathable. Don’t go for cotton clothes – They get damp when you expose them to moisture. Go for breathable layers if you’re headed to low-temperature area. Once you get below deck, it is quite easy to remove the heavier layer and gear.

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VHF Radio

In case you have an emergency situation on your boat, you can use the VHF radio on your boat for calling emergency services. Since they have a long battery life and strong signals, they are better than cellphones during an emergency situation out on the water and should always be part of your boat safety gear.

Motion Sickness Medicines

No matter how much experience you’ve got, motion sickness can affect you at any time. It makes sense to have motion sickness medicines on your boat. Even if you don’t need them, someone on your boat might, and they’ll be grateful for these pills.

Emergency Flares

Emergency flares are a great way to get help if you ever run into problems on the boat. Make sure it gives off a lot of light and smoke and can be seen at all times. This can help you obtain emergency assistance quickly should you ever need it.

Have a Strong, Sharp Knife

It is crucial to have a reliable, sharp knife when you go boating since you might need it for a number of different reasons. However, ensure it is always sheathed and away from the reach of children.

Have Extra Rope

You can use it for towing other boats, tying the boat to a dock, or for throwing it to a passenger who has fallen overboard. There’s no telling when you might need to use it. Keep it on your boat at all times and you’ll be grateful you have it when the need arises.

Throwable Life Preservers and Life Jackets

While there’s no need to keep wearing it throughout the journey, ensure that everyone aboard the ship has a suitable life jacket. Of course, children should always be wearing one when they’re on a boat.

Fire Extinguishers

Fires can break out at any moment on a boat and cause an emergency. Learn to use a fire extinguisher properly and always have one on your boat at all times.

A Good First-Aid Kit

Burns, bruises, scratches, and cuts can occur to any one at any time. It is important that your boat have enough supplies to handle minor medical issues. Don’t skimp out here since a first-aid kit may sometimes mean the difference between life and death.

Bug Spray and Sunscreen

Not carrying enough sunscreen isn’t good for anyone. Bugs can destroy your fun outing in a matter of minutes. Always ensure that you’ve got an ample supply of bug spray and sunscreen bottles on your boat. Replace them after each year to prevent any surprises.

Let us know what you carry on your boat?